The New York Association of Copyright Stakeholders NYASCH, formerly referred to as "New Yorkers for Fair Use", has recently taken on this new identity in order to distinguish itself from the activities of NYFU. Additional information can be viewed on our history page.

© Copyright for the Digital Millennium
All material copyrighted by Ruben Safir and contributors.

NY Fair Use will begin a campaign to get government to use Free Software and to boycott Groups presenting MS 'Share Code' as 'Open Source' and Fair Use of software.
Meeting Feb 17th at the Killarny Rose
80 Beaver Street
Manhattan NY
6:30 PM
9AM - 2PM NY Fair Use is meeting at 7PM at Kings Games, East 12th Street and Kings Highway in Brooklyn

Q to Kings Highway
Notice: This meeting will build on our Meeting in Washington with the IP Subcomittee in the House and Congressman Weiner. We are tailoring our activity specifically to answer the questions of this committee hearing
Also Notice - The New NY Fair Use URL Starting Sunday Spetember 9th we are campaigning in Senator Schumer's community for a repeal of the DMCA.

Where: Meeting at Junior's on Flatbush Ave and Dekalb, Brooklyn, NY When: 10AM, every Sunday What: Campaign Buttons, Door Knocking, Leafleting We hope to hit 5000 doors on Sunday to awaken the entire neighborhood to the issue. Previous - Meetings

The New York Association of Copyright Stakeholders

  WHO: New York Linux Users Group (NYLUG) 
 WHAT: Demonstration in support of 2600 Magazine, defendants
WHERE: Federal Court Building, 500 Pearl Street, New York
 WHEN: Monday, July 17th, 2000 at 10:30am to 5:00pm
  WHY: To protect fair use rights and independent distribution from a
       Hollywood "land grab".
NEW YORK, N.Y., July 17, 2000 -- The New York Linux Users Group ( is demonstrating outside the Federal Courthouse in Manhattan. Linux users, free software enthusiasts, and civil libertarians will unite in a show of support for technology journalist Emmanuel Goldstein, editor of 2600 Magazine ( The Motion Picture Association of America (, representing eight giant movie studios, has targeted Goldstein in a lawsuit alleging that he has contributed to copyright infringement by offering a DVD-decrypting program on the 2600 Magazine website.

The program, called DeCSS, 'unlocks' the DVD in a computer, allowing the user to access the encrypted video data on a DVD disc. The movie studios claim that the use of the DeCSS program violates a controversial measure of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (DMCA) which forbids the 'circumvention of technological measures' to access a copyrighted work, regardless of whether the access is itself legal. For example, the DMCA would prohibit a computer user from using a legally acquired DVD disc on his own computer, unless the player program were authorized by the copyright holder of the disc.

Goldstein has received legal support from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (, the preeminent internet civil liberties group. The protest is set for the opening day of the trial.

* * *

NYLUG is New York's Linux Users Group supporting all things Linux and Open Source in the greater New York area.

If you have any questions about NYLUG, please feel free to contact: Jim Gleason, NYLUG President <>

For questions about the protest, please contact: Billy Donahue <> Demonstration
See Leonid's report on the NYC Demonstrations at the NYPL.
As you might know, Dmitry Sklyarov, a Russian computer scientist, was arrested and imprisoned on July 16 after presenting a report at DEF CON computer security conference. His only crime was to point out the flaw in Adobe's software used to protect the content of eBooks and share his expertise with his American colleagues.

He was charged under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, a piece of legislation that takes away the rights of individuals for fair use of the content that they legally own.

All decent minded individuals dedicated to the freedom of expression and security in ones property are called upon to appear, verily, at the NY Southern District Federal Courthouse on July 17th to protest to destruction of our freedom under the wrath of the DMCA. Requested Dress might best be 18th Century Colonial and Indian custom, but Tee Shirt and Sun Tan Lotion would be accepted.

All Yee ready to attend, send up the Lantern, and be ready on a minutes notice, and by all means -

DETAILS: 10:30-5:00PM 500 Pearl Street at the Federal Court inside the Court Yard. We now need Public Relations Releases to the Times, News, Post and TV and Radio Media (WINS). We are expecting up to 500 Protesters. Please make time to be there. I need volunteers now with Paraphernalia, Press Releases, and sign making. SIGNS CAN NOT HAVE WOODEN STICKS NO ELECTRIFIED SOUND We also need a few speakers. BTW - the officer who gave us the Permit was blown away that one can be arrested for playing a DVD on Linux.


Sir Mordichai Gist:: AKA Ruben Safir

From Ruben I. Safir:


The 17th

The server is down so please spread this far and wide the old fashioned way:

open LIST "list.txt";

while(<LIST ){

open MAIL "|/usr/bin/mail $_";

print MAIL "Come and Protest";

close MAIL;


Actually - there must be a better way to do this that's easy on the I/O

On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Ruben I Safir wrote:

Hello Everyone:

I just got off national television on Good Morning America with the Linux Mall people - if you didn't catch my 4 seconds of fame - holding a Linux Rules sign behind Al Rooker. Anyway - I need a show of voices for everyone planning to attend the Demonstration at the Court House on July 14th???


Jim Gleason wrote:

Your timing is impeccable. We just started to organize ourselves at last week's meeting. Our primary organizer is Ruben Safir (212-998-9806,, I've copied him on this mail, so he should be getting in touch with you today. Ruben does need help today with regard to permits. Who can he reach over at the National Lawyers Guild. The main question is - shall we march outside the courthouse on July 17th? That has been our tentative plan for sometime, but we are looking to you for your comments.

Please watch for correspondence from Ruben since as he will be handling the logistics and the organizing for We all look forward to meeting you and Emmanuel,

- Jim

On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Don Marti wrote:

If someone is already organizing an event outside the courthouse on the 17th, it would be a good idea to mail Jim, since he has a good-sized list of Linux users who can come out and participate.

Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 13:59:38 -0400 (EDT)

As Jay and Billy indicate, the trial MPAA vs 2600 begins on July 17th.

As discussed at the last meeting, seeks a volunteer to lead a protest on this day. This person would be enabled with decision-making authority and sanction on behalf of to build team if needed, secure permits on behalf of, put the call out to standby-marchers, and assemble the protesters in an appropriate spot, if not the courthouse, for that day. I work just 5 blocks from the courthouse and will surely be there. However, I know that I will be unable to organize the effort. Many people have expressed interest and also want to prioterst, but I am looking for someone to rally these troops.

If you are interested, please write me back with "I CAN GET THE PERMITS" in the subject line.

- Jim